I don’t like to toot my own horn, but I am pretty sure I make some of the best oats out there :) They take very little time to make, have so much flavour and keep my digestion strong and nourished. Every bite feels like a little hug.
The secret to my recipe is the stewed fruit & fruit water that adds such a nice sweetness and really keeps the textures and consistency lovely. I am not a fan of sticky oats. The stewed fruit it also fiber rich and it’s water helps to keep your GI moving :)
How to Make
Stewed fruit topping:
I like to use dates, figs & mulberries (you can use just one of these fruits or a mixture) : I have also used prunes, apricots, golden berries, so there are many lovely options — note: I am using dried fruit
Heat water in the kettle to boil
Chop the dates and figs into smaller bites (i typically use around 3 figs, 4 dates & a healthy handful of mulberries)
Place all the fruit in a little pot
Pour the boiled water on top of the fruit so that they are covered with about an inch of water on top
Place a lid on the pot and lightly simmer while you cook your oats
Oats can be cooked with alternative milk, i typically use coconut or almond
Add 1 cup oats to pot and then 2 cups alternative milk
Add ½ tsp cinnamon
Add ¼ tsp cardamom
Add spoonful of finely chopped fresh ginger (I like a bigger amount, but you can go to your liking)
Cook on a medium-low heat
Stir frequently until the oats are cooked (note: do not cook for too long because they will get sticky! but not to worry, if your oats get sticky, the stewed fruit water will come to the rescue!)
Pour the stewed fruit & fruit water on top and stir it all in
Top with hemp seeds & ground flaxseeds
optional: sprinkle a little raw cacao nibs on there :)